Crash Course on Python Coursera Week 2- Full solved Google IT Automation with Python 2022
Module 2 Graded Assessment
Well done! You're breezing through the if-else clauses!
You nailed it! The conditional operator > checks if two values are equal. The result of that operation is a boolean: either True or False. Alphabetically, "big" is less than "small".
You got it! The elif keyword is used in place of multiple embedded if clauses, when a single if/else structure is not enough.
Good job! You're getting the hang of it!.
Excellent! "%" is the modulo operator, which returns the remainder of the integer division between two numbers. 11 divided by 5 equals 2 with remainder of 1.
Awesome! You're getting the hang of the multiple and embedded "if" clauses!
You got it! You've figured out how to use an elif clause, well done!
You nailed it! We’re calling the sum function 3 times: returning 3, then 7, then adding up 3 plus 7 for the total of 10.
Right on! When using the "and" operator, a statement is True if both parts of the conditional are True.
Well done! You're handling the math operations, as well as