Crash Course on Python Coursera Week 4

Crash Course on Python Coursera Week 4 - Fully solved Google IT Automation with Python 2022

Module 4 Graded Assessment

Latest Submission Grade 100%


Great work! You've remembered how to work with string methods and use variables for formatting output


Nice job! You're mastering your string skills!


Excellent! You're using the list functions correctly, and it shows!


Right on! You're making the correct calculation, and using the correct range.


You got it! You've correctly gone through the items of the dictionary!


You nailed it! You've figured out the best way to call the update() method, to have the values from the first dictionary added or updated over the second dictionary.


Woohoo! You've remembered the relevant string commands, and how to work with dictionaries.


You got it! When both parts of a string index range are included, the substring starts at first index and ends at second index minus 1. When the index is negative, the character is counted from the end of the string. When the second index is omitted, it goes until the end of the string.


Right on! The insert command inserts the new element into the list at the specified index, shifting the other elements over afterwards.


You got it! In dictionaries, the keys() command returns a list of just the keys, which is what this is.

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